Where is Teddy Ruxpin from?

Where is Teddy Ruxpin from?

Last updated: August 8, 2023

Technology in the 1980s was just advanced enough to do some cool stuff, and just bad enough to make some of those things terrifying for children.

Such was the case with many of the toys that came out in the '80s. Teddy Ruxpin fits squarely into that category — even just the simple animatronic motion of his mouth was mind-blowing, but his dead eyes were deeply unsettling.

And between the toys, a cartoon, and some other miscellaneous media, his backstory was actually quite strange. Where was this little guy from?


The answer is: Rillonia. You may recall that Teddy Ruxpin actually isn't a bear, but instead part of a bear-like race called Illiops that lived during an ambiguous time period (somewhat akin to Middle-earth). Apparently, toymakers were on some good sh*t back in the '80s.Rillionia is an island just south of the mainland of Grundo, where the trees grow tall and Rillionians live an agrarian lifestyle.Source

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