What year did “The Jetsons” take place in?

What year did “The Jetsons” take place in?

Last updated: December 9, 2024

The 1960s were obsessed with tomorrow, and in 1962, Hanna-Barbara animators launched a middle-class family into the space age. "The Jetsons" became TV's first family of the future – but exactly how far into the future were those space-cars flying?

The answer is: 2062

Welcome to 2062, where your car still breaks down, but now it's in the middle of the sky. The creators picked this date – exactly 100 years from the show's 1962 debut – though they kept oddly quiet about it during the original run. Maybe they were worried we'd fact-check their predictions.

Speaking of which, "The Jetsons" nailed video calls and robot vacuums but completely whiffed on the internet. In their defense, who could've predicted we'd choose endless scrolling over flying cars? George Jetson complained about his brutal less-than-10-hour workweek while pushing dozens of buttons at Spacely Space Sprockets.

The show basically took every 1960s suburban trope and strapped a rocket to it. Jane still played housewife, but with atomic appliances. Judy worried about boys, but at least she could ghost them via hologram. And while their personal robot seemed cutting-edge then, today's AI would probably make her short-circuit from digital envy. Still, she had better job security than poor George, who was one wrong button push away from hearing "Jetson, you're fired!" echo through the stratosphere.

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