1984 was a hell of a year. This Is Spinal Tap came out, Apple’s first Macintosh computer went on sale, both the summer and winter Olympics were still held in the same year, and a bunch of other kind of terrible stuff that we won’t be focusing on here.
And it was an even bigger year in movies, with studios pumping out classic after classic (such as the pictured and underrated Supergirl above), many of which we’re still watching (and rebooting) some four decades later.
This was the era when movies started making not just tens of millions of dollars, but hundreds of millions. The blockbuster practically became the norm. But only one movie reigned supreme in 1984. Which one was it?
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The answer is: Beverly Hills Cop. Beverly Hills Cop was the highest-grossing movie at the global box office in 1984, earning over $234 million. The Eddie Murphy action-comedy was a huge hit, spawning two sequels as well as a reboot set to release in July of 2024. Adjusted for inflation, Beverly Hills Cop is the third highest grossing R-rated movie of all time, behind The Exorcist and The Godfather.Source
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