What was Sega's first home video game system?

Last updated: August 17, 2024

What was Sega's first home video game system?

Betamax vs. VHS. Pepsi vs. Coke. Sega vs. Nintendo. For years, these were the most divisive issues that pitted neighbors, friends, and even family members against each other. 

For years, Nintendo had reigned supreme in the world of home video games, their dominion seemingly unassailable. Then Sega, armed with a certain blue speedster, came hurtling onto the scene. This wasn't just competition – it was an all-out war for the hearts, minds, and thumbs of gamers everywhere.

Sega seemed like the scrappy undergod in that war. While there's truth to that image, they weren't exactly novices stepping into the ring. Before their 16-bit marvel captured the world's attention, Sega had already cut their teeth in the home gaming market. Their rise may have seemed meteoric, but it was built on a foundation of prior experience. What was their first home console?

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