What was Indiana Jones' name originally going to be?

Last updated: July 11, 2024

What was Indiana Jones' name originally going to be?
Copyright by Paramount Pictures and other relevant production studios and distributors. // Moviestillsdb.com

With a name as iconic as Indiana Jones it’s frankly shocking and disturbing to think that at any point that wasn’t going to be the name of one of cinema’s all-time greatest characters. How dare it ever have even been considered to be anything else?

But I suppose in the end they got it right — and you couldn’t possibly expect the team of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg to get something wrong. Lucas came up with the idea for the character and movies, Spielberg developed it, and the pair worked closely together to bring it all to life.

But the name wasn’t as thought out as you might imagine. In fact, Lucas had a different name in mind at first. Spielberg didn’t like it, and the one they ended up with came from a casual suggestion. It’s amazing how close we were to complete disaster. Trust me, imagine Raiders of the Lost Ark with this name instead, and you’ll see what I mean.

What was Indiana Jones’ name originally supposed to be?

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