It's hard to understate the numerous strokes of genius Steven Spielberg had while making 1982's E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Kids riding bikes that fly across the moon, the phrase "phone home", bringing stuff back to life — and of course, using candy to lure an alien.
Speaking of sweet ideas, how about E.T.'s adorably clever ghost costume? Nothing says "blending in on Halloween" quite like a tiny shuffling bedsheet. And let's appreciate Spielberg's choice to film from a child's perspective - suddenly the world of adults becomes a towering forest of mystery and knees.
Sadly, the story of E.T. came out of a painful time in Spielberg's life. It's said he created an imaginary alien friend when he was a kid to help him cope with difficult times. Maybe he also ate a lot of candy?
In one of the biggest moments in product placement history, which candy was E.T. introduced to that he ended up loving?
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The answer is: Reese's Pieces. If there’s one way we can keep aliens from destroying our planet and taking all our resources for themselves, it’s definitely by introducing them to candy.The producers for E.T. actually wanted to use M&M’s for one of the most iconic product placements in movie history, but Mars, Inc. thought the character would scare children and didn’t want to do it. The Hershey Company swooped in and gladly offered Reese’s Pieces, which led to a large boost in sales. Hell, it’s still working on me.Source
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