What was Captain Kirk's original middle initial?

What was Captain Kirk's original middle initial?

Last updated: September 21, 2024

There aren’t a lot of names you say where you always feel like you should include the middle initial. John F. Kennedy, Samuel L. Jackson, and Michael J. Fox come to mind among others. 

And then you have James T. Kirk. It’s hard not to include the T whenever you’re talking about the quintessential captain from the Star Trek franchise. 

Yet for the hardcore fans out there, they’ll push up their glasses and note that actually Captain Kirk didn’t always have the same middle initial. It takes the most eagle-eyed and seasoned Star Trek aficionado to spot this one. 

What was Kirk’s original middle initial?

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The answer is: R. In season one, episode three, “Where No Man’s Gone Before”, Kirk is battling a crewmate who’s gone mad with telepathic powers. He manifests a vision of Kirk’s tombstone which reads “James R Kirk.” There’s never been an official explanation as to why it changed or what the full middle name was, but now you can drop this bit of knowledge at your next Con.Source

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