What song helped to inspire Stephen King’s The Stand?

Last updated: June 11, 2024

What song helped to inspire Stephen King’s The Stand?
Jacket illustration by John Cayea Jacket typography by Elizabeth Levine Photo by Lawrence Robins Blurring // Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain

People went insane when George Lucas went back and edited the original Star Wars trilogy, re-releasing the films with the dubious distinction of being special editions. So I can only imagine what they did when Stephen King revamped one of his most popular novels.

The Stand was originally released in the fall of 1978. While it was a breakout hit, King apparently realized it wasn’t up to snuff. So in 1990, he restored over 400 pages of originally cut material, moved the chapters around, and shifted the story to take place 10 years later — from 1980 to 1990. In the end, The Complete & Uncut Edition stands (see what we did there?) at 1,153 pages, making it his longest book.

That’s WAY more than Lucas ever did, yet I never see people going on internet forums screaming about how Stephen King ruined their childhoods.

King takes inspiration for his stories from a variety of places — in the case of The Stand, it came in the form of a popular song. Which song was it?

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