What is the best-selling video game console of all time?

Last updated: February 20, 2024

What is the best-selling video game console of all time?

Video game consoles got their start back in 1972 when Magnavox put the Odyssey up for sale for a cool $99.95. It sold about 350,000 units — not much by today's standards, but enough to prove the burgeoning industry had some market power.

Since then the industry has been through a few booms, busts, and bursts, and today the global market for video games is close to $250 billion.

Whether you first played an Odyssey, jumped in during the bit-era, or are equipped with VR goggles and a full bodysuit for your gaming, you've probably at least heard about this console. Which of these consoles has sold the most in video game history?

Click START to answer.


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