What inspired the Village People’s band name?

What inspired the Village People’s band name?

Last updated: December 4, 2023

I have to say, it's pretty impressive that this band has the power to get literally anyone, of any age, anywhere in the world, at any time to spell the letters "Y-M-C-A" out with their arms in unison.

Admit it — your arms are twitching just thinking about it.

But I never really that about the origin of the band's name. Perhaps because I'm always distracted by the costumes. Where did Village People take inspiration for their name?

Click START to answer.


The answer is: A neighborhood in NYC. The Village People named themselves in honor of Greenwich Village, New York City.Among their hits are “Y.M.C.A.,” “In the Navy,” and “Macho Man.” The band has stayed active for decades, though its membership has changed.In November 2022, Village People released the single “Magic Christmas.” The song debuted at #23 on Billboard’s Adult Contemporary chart.Source

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