What comes after 3.14 in π (pi)?

What comes after 3.14 in π (pi)?

Last updated: August 28, 2023

The most important thing you should know about pi is that every March 14th you have an excuse to order a pizza for dinner and eat an entire pumpkin pie for dessert.

Of course, that's because writing March 14 in numerals is also like writing the first three digits of pi, and homonyms are fun!

It's also a bit of a mystical number that was discovered by ancient civilizations and is still studied actively. And by "studied" I mean reminds me to order pizza.

Some of you out there are sweating right now, others are salivating. In pi, what number comes after 3.14?

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The answer is: 1. Someone who's reading this not only knew the next number, but the next, like, 10 or more. Those people are what I call show-offs.For the rest of us, 3.14 is about as far as it goes, if that. But now you know it's 3.141. Memorize it and start showing off.Want to take things a bit further? 3.14159 is six digits of π. Source

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