Jeff Goldblum delivers the same line in Jurassic Park and what other movie?

Last updated: June 3, 2024

Jeff Goldblum delivers the same line in Jurassic Park and what other movie? // Copyright by Universal Studios and other relevant production studios and distributors.

There's an easy way to express just how important it is to speed things up if you're being chased by pretty much anything dangerous:

"Must go faster, must go faster!"

And we have Jeff Goldblum to thank, who uttered this straightforward yet effective line in not one, but TWO movies. Incredible career achievement if you ask me, and I'm not joking.

Obviously, we all remember him spouting those words as Ian Malcolm, rebel mathematician, as he was being chased by a T-Rex. But it's not the only time this sage advice is delivered by Golblum.

In which other movie can you hear Jeff Goldblum saying this same line?