In Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, who appears briefly in almost every train that goes by?

In Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, who appears briefly in almost every train that goes by?

Last updated: June 3, 2024

Despite the weirdness of Sony owning some rights while he also shows up in the MCU, it remains a fact that every Spider-Man movie in the modern age is actually pretty good.

And in fact, the animated Spider-Verse movies are among the best — not to mention they kind of nail the multiverse thing way better than the MCU has so far.

How close were you paying attention the last time you watched the first entry in the animated Spider-Verse series? There's someone who appears as a passenger in almost every single train in the movie...


The answer is: Stan Lee. Blink and you’ll miss it, but if you hit pause any time a train appears onscreen you can probably catch legendary Marvel mastermind Stan Lee riding New York’s friendly neighborhood public transit. All of the animators wanted the chance to animate Stan the Man, and it looks like they all got that opportunity.Source

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