In Back to the Future, what name does Marty use in 1955?

Last updated: May 31, 2024

In Back to the Future, what name does Marty use in 1955? // Copyright by Universal Studios and other relevant production studios and distributors.

One thing I always wonder about when Marty McFly returns to 1985 and finds an altered timeline in which everything is totally awesome is why his parents don't seem to ever stop and mention how much he looks like their old friend who helped them get together back in 1955.

I mean, if your kid looked EXACTLY like the person who swooped in, changed your lives, and then just disappeared forever, you'd notice, right?

But maybe they don't even think about it because Marty used a fake name while he was trying to ensure his mom would leave him alone and go after Dad instead. What name did he use?

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