In 1987’s "RoboCop," what’s the name of the company that creates RoboCop?

In 1987’s "RoboCop," what’s the name of the company that creates RoboCop?

Last updated: October 16, 2024

For my money, you really can’t beat the cyberpunk sci-fi movies of the ‘80s. Give me "Blade Runner," give me "The Running Man," give me "Tron" and "Escape from New York." And you better give me "RoboCop."

Of those, "RoboCop" might have been the grittiest. It was pretty damn dark when you think about, beginning with a cop nearly getting killed in a brutal crime. The themes of corporate greed and failed government add an underlayer that’s just kind of icky. But when I first watched it, all I saw was a cyborg kicking butt, and really that’s the main takeaway.

A key component of cyberpunk are the megacorporations that seemingly have their hands in a little bit of everything. In the first "RoboCop," a private corporation that also produces a vast variety of consumer products is responsible for the RoboCop project. What’s that company called?

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The answer is: Omni Consumer Products. Omni Consumer Products, or just OCP, is a megacorporation that’s so big it essentially runs entire cities and can also take regular cops and turn them into robot cops. As the franchise progresses, it becomes clear that OCP is the real antagonist.Source

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