It's really incredible the amount of galactic history that C-3PO has been a part of.
Besides being built by THE chosen one, Anakin Skywalker, he has also been present at every single important battle or event that's taken place since Ani powered him up.
Not bad for a protocol droid who's just there to help with etiquette and translation. Also, why did a kid want to build a droid like that? Like, why not give it cool lasers or something?
One thing Threepio is definitely not shy about is telling you just how many forms of communication he, as a protocol droid, is fluent in. Do you remember just how many?
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The answer is: 6 million. Let's be honest — for all his fretting, Threepio is kind of a bragger. As evident in this exchange from Return of the Jedi:EV-9D9: How many languages do you speak?C-3PO: I am fluent in over six million forms of communication, and can readily...EV-9D9: [cuts him off] Splendid! We have been without an interpreter since our master got angry with our last protocol droid and disintegrated him.C-3PO: Disintegrated?Source
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