Name the movie: "I'm walking here!"
By Nerdy Trivia | November 12, 2024
Few movie quotes capture big city attitude quite like "I'm walking here!" But do you know which film first unleashed this quintessential street reaction?
Read moreBy Nerdy Trivia | November 12, 2024
Few movie quotes capture big city attitude quite like "I'm walking here!" But do you know which film first unleashed this quintessential street reaction?
Read moreBy Nerdy Trivia | September 30, 2024
Hollywood's self-censorship saga: From the Hays Code to '70s cinema. Which classic film did its own director pull from theaters?
Read moreBy Nerdy Trivia | September 28, 2024
Over 60 years there have been 25 official Eon-backed Bond movies so far, plus two rogue productions. It all started with 1962’s adaptation of Dr. No, featuring none other than the iconic Sean Connery. How much cash has Bond made at the box office so far?
Read moreBy Nerdy Trivia | July 15, 2024
Great Scott!!! Doc Brown's time travel takes a lot of energy, but do you know exactly how much?
Read moreBy Nerdy Trivia | December 15, 2023
We're not going to stoop to the level of debating whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie. What are we going to question next, whether Indiana Jones actually affected the outcome of Raiders of the Lost Ark? (Don't answer that.) Released in July of 1988, test your knowledge of this action-thriller-HOLIDAY movie. Click START to take the quiz. Three Questions About Die Hard What's the name of the book Die Hard is based on? Who was originally offered the role of John McClane? H
Read moreBy Nerdy Trivia | August 30, 2023
Let us, for now, set aside the fact that the thought of George Lucas and Carrie Fisher being romantic partners just feels very awkward. Maybe I'm being weird, but my brain just doesn't want to process that. But it does want to process the idea of the creator of Star Wars and the actress who played Princess Leia showing up, if only briefly, in a '90s movie (or any movie, really). Of all the random cameos out there, this one definitely sticks out. Which '90s fantasy movie has a cameo from George
Read moreBy Nerdy Trivia | August 25, 2023
I still think that someday I'll just be sitting in a restaurant somewhere or walking down the street, and some random person with crazy hair and cool sunglasses will walk up to me and do that thing where they hold their hands in front of them to create a frame to see what things would look like onscreen — and then I'll be "discovered" and become a famous movie star. Sadly, turns out that's apparently not the way most movie stars get started. They have to work odd jobs and most of the time deal
Read moreBy Nerdy Trivia | August 21, 2023
You know, I just don't get how people back in 1973 went so crazy for the nostalgia that American Graffiti inspired. I mean, I get it, it was George Lucas' big break and all, so yay for that, but who cares about the '50s? Obviously, the '80s were the best. After over 50 years of this breakout hit, we can look back and think about how it was really just the beginning of some hugely influential careers in Hollywood. And in Harrison Ford, you can already see some of the swagger and style that he w
Read moreBy Nerdy Trivia | August 18, 2023
John Hughes is one of the best, most-respected, and most-successful movie directors out there. If Bill Paxton transforming into a disgusting, flatulent blob in Weird Science doesn't prove so, I don't know what else to tell you. He surely still had many more great movies up his sleeve if we hadn't lost him at the age of 59 in 2009. So when one thinks of his movies, one would assume that budget was never really an issue. Yet when it came to this classic movie, they didn't even have enough in the
Read moreBy Nerdy Trivia | August 15, 2023
If you're looking for someone to thank for all the cool vampire media we have today, you could do much worse than Joel Schumacher. Schumacher ushered in a new style of depicting vampires with 1987's The Lost Boys, a cult classic that every person should be legally required to watch when they turn 14. Of course, you could also make the argument that Twilight was a result of the teen-vampire sensation sparked, at least in part, by this movie — but we'll set that aside for now. If this actor had
Read moreBy Nerdy Trivia | August 14, 2023
I'm not gonna lie — living as a human in the age of WALL-E doesn't look so bad to me ... not bad at all. You live in a spaceship, don't have to cook, get daily pool time, can binge any show or movie from all of human existence at the touch of a button, and don't have to interact with any other humans? That is an ideal weekend to me, my friends. Maybe I'd tire of it after a while, but I bet it'd be a LONG while. On the other hand, WALL-E is a very chill droid, and I wouldn't want to miss out on
Read moreBy Nerdy Trivia | August 8, 2023
You probably already know this, but let's just make sure this is clear upfront: a soundtrack is a collection of songs either made for or chosen to be included in a movie, but a score is the music used to accompany what's happening onscreen. In other words, John Williams' compositions aren't in play here. With that out of the way, it's high time we acknowledged the movie soundtrack, critical to a movie's success and at times more successful than the movie it was made for. In some cases, soundtr
Read moreBy Nerdy Trivia | August 7, 2023
Pulp Fiction is one of those movies where nearly every scene is a classic that features at least one quote that has become culturally significant. Seriously, see if you ever happen to catch it playing on TV and try to only watch a few minutes. Like an episode of Seinfeld, something perks up in your brain and you say to yourself, "Oh yeah, I love this scene! I'll turn it off after this one." Next thing you know, you're starting it over for the third time in a row. And the scene where Vincent V
Read moreBy Nerdy Trivia | August 4, 2023
There's an easy way to express just how important it is to speed things up if you're being chased by pretty much anything dangerous: "Must go faster, must go faster!" And we have Jeff Goldblum to thank, who uttered this straightforward yet effective line in not one, but TWO movies. Incredible career achievement if you ask me, and I'm not joking. Obviously, we all remember him spouting those words as Ian Malcolm, rebel mathematician, as he was being chased by a T-Rex. But it's not the only tim
Read moreBy Nerdy Trivia | August 2, 2023
The thing about timelines is that if one is disrupted, there are only ever a handful of people who will notice. Perhaps a small group of Beatles fans who suddenly live in a world with no Beatles music, an egotistical weatherman, or a couple of teenagers and the weird old scientist they hang out with. When Marty McFly returns from his trip to the past in which he DEFINITELY screws with the timeline, things are a bit different — especially with dear ol' dad, aka George McFly. Besides the fact n
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