The NSFW Thundercats outtakes you need to hear

Last updated: September 7, 2024

The NSFW Thundercats outtakes you need to hear

Imagine yourself as a full-grown adult, a professional voice actor, stepping up to speak into an expensive microphone. You’re getting paid real money, lots of it, to do this.

You look at the script and begin to read, and hear yourself uttering this line:

We should have known the Terra-tor didn’t mean any harm when the Sword of Omens didn’t obey me!

That’s the kind of thing the voice actors from Thundercats were asked to recite day in and day out, and they did a damn fine job of it.

Somehow I was unaware of this before, but apparently, someone got their hands on some outtakes many years back — and they are pure gold.

I can’t find anything that says these are definitely legit, but there’s nothing that says they’re NOT legit, either. It sure as hell sounds real.

Take a listen for yourself. You can skip past the intro at the beginning. The outtakes don’t last long, yet it’s nothing short of a treasure.

And as a reminder, they are very much NSFW. Put your headphones on and tell the kids to look at a wall or something.

I wonder how many more of these are out there somewhere, on a forgotten tape tucked inside an envelope in some vault in an underground storehouse in Japan. At least that seems like the most obvious place to put these kinds of outtakes.

I wasn’t sure Thundercats could really get any better, and yet, here we stand. Thank you, internet.